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Caddy Jail

We will ultimately change PF to direct all web traffic to this jail.  This jail will run caddy as a reverse proxy for the other jails.  Web request SSL terminations happen at the caddy web server, and the traffic is then passed transparently to the respective jails.  A great benefit of caddy is the built-in Let's Encrypt feature for initial certs and renewals.


The beginning steps are mostly the same across the jails.  Before jumping in, if you haven't already, remember to run caddy_jail, and then probably/possibly run bastille caddy_jail tzsetup and choose your time zone.  Actually, it would make the most sense for the reverse proxy to be on the host's time, which it should be already, so ignore that.

Next, we may update the jail.  If you just created or updated your base jail, or if this is a thin jail, then there is actually no reason for this.  But if you do need/want to do an update, refer to a prior page that talks about initial jail setup.

Setup Specific to this Jail

We install what we need from pkg.

bastille pkg caddy_jail install -y caddy vim-console curl

You should read the message spit out by pkg because it tells you all you need to know, pretty much.  In particular, pay attention to the version of caddy.  This write-up centers around v1.  This write-up will not work well with v2.

Config for the Jail

We'll need to give caddy the ability to "authenticate" us with Let's Encrypt.

bastille sysrc caddy_jail caddy_cert_email=""

And then we'll need the Caddyfile, which hopefully works how we think it will.

But wait!  Save yourself some time and run this:

bastille cmd caddy_jail caddy -version

Your config/Caddyfile will be different depending on v1 or v2. The quarterly FreeBSD package is v1 right now (as of the time of this original write-up).

bastille console caddy_jail
cd /usr/local/
mkdir www && cd www
vim Caddyfile

Depending on V1 or V2, mind the Caddyfile location.  V2 moves the Caddyfile location from /usr/local/www to /usr/local/etc/caddy/Caddyfile, so be sure its location matches the location listed in the rc file (and is preferably in the standard location according to V1 or V2).

For v1:

mydomain.tld, www.mydomain.tld {
  proxy / {

bookstack.mydomain.tld {
  proxy / {

For v2:

mydomain.tld, www.mydomain.tld {

bookstack.mydomain.tld {


Then exit out of the jail's console.  And then we enable caddy and start it (almost).

bastille sysrc caddy_jail caddy_enable="YES"

Grand Finale

Now we adjust /etc/pf.conf to forward http and https traffic to the caddy jail.
# the macro
caddy_ip = ""

# and the port forward
rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to any port {80, 443} -> $caddy_ip

And then we test that the config doesn't have an errors, and then reload PF.  (Reload w/ just -f.)

pfctl -vnf /etc/pf.conf

And now let's start caddy and hope that it grabs certs and starts serving our two existing jails.

bastille service caddy_jail caddy start

And either check the URL in your browser, or also check:

bastille service caddy_jail caddy status

That was easy.