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IRC!Radio by dsc_


IRC!Radio is a radio station for IRC channels. You hang around on IRC, adding YouTube songs to the bot, listening to it with all your friends. Great fun!


IRC!Radio aims to be minimalistic/small using:

- Python >= 3.7
- SQLite
- LiquidSoap >= 1.4.3
- Icecast2
- Quart web framework

And all in a FreeBSD jail (in this case).

Command list

- !np - current song
- !tune - upvote song
- !boo - downvote song
- !request - search and queue a song by title or YouTube id
- !dj+ - add a YouTube ID to the radiostream
- !dj- - remove a YouTube ID
- !ban+ - ban a YouTube ID and/or nickname
- !ban- - unban a YouTube ID and/or nickname
- !skip - skips current song
- !listeners - show current amount of listeners
- !queue - show queued up music
- !queue_user - queue a random song by user
- !search - search for a title
- !stats - stats


The following assumes you have a VPS somewhere with root access (duh). It assumes you're using bastille for the jail manager, and it assumes you have a caddy jail already set up for reverse proxy and certs.

Before doing anything else, since we're on FreeBSD, create a jail.  Notice that this is a thin jail with no network interface specified, therefore it'll use the bastille0 cloned loopback device for its network.

bastille create radio_jail 13.0-RELEASE

In my case, I have a custom .cshrc file to make the terminal nicer looking (and a script to copy it into place).

/usr/local/scripts/ radio_jail

The radio user will be doing a bunch of the heavy lifting.  It needs its own /home directory.

bastille cmd radio_jail pw adduser -n radio -m -d /home/radio -s /usr/local/bin/bash -c "radio user"

An icecast user will be needed to run icecast, but it doesn't need its own /home directory.

bastille cmd radio_jail pw adduser -n icecast -G wheel -d /nonexistent -s /usr/sbin/nologin -c "icecast"


Part I - Everything except for liquidsoap, basically

Into the jail, as root:

bastille console radio_jail

First, might as well get onto the latest package repo.

mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
echo 'FreeBSD: { url: 'pkg+\$\{ABI\}/latest', enabled: yes }' > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf

Do a couple rounds of package installing.  First, basics.  Then specifics.

pkg install -y bat htop git vim-console tmux
pkg install -y icecast py38-virtualenv libogg nginx ffmpeg sqlite3 py38-sqlite3 gmake bash 

And because there is no liquidsoap in ports:

pkg install -y ocaml-opam libmad taglib libsamplerate pkgconf gavl fdk-aac

Part II - Use opam to install liquidsoap

su radio

Inside the jail, as the radio user, the majority of the rest will happen.  Might as well get to the /home directory.

opam init

Follow the instructions to make sure .profile is properly sourced.

vim .bashrc

And paste:

source /usr/home/radio/.profile

The compiler in the package repo is too old for what we need.

opam switch create 4.12.0
opam install fdkaac gavl
opam depext taglib mad lame vorbis cry samplerate liquidsoap

And the install command that won't work without the env vars (whether included in advance or part of the command):

C_INCLUDE_PATH=$C_INCLUDE_PATH:/usr/local/include CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH:usr/local/include LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib opam install taglib mad lame vorbis cry samplerate ffmpeg liquidsoap

Clone and Setup

Still as radio user, still from from ~:

git clone
cd ircradio/

The magic commands that will need to be run more than once (here, and then farther down, at the end):

virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.8 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Adjust settings

Now that all the building blocks are in place:

cp settings.py_example

Look at and configure it to your liking:

  • Change host listening address at the top to internal IP given to the jail,
  • Change timezone to America/New_York or whatever
  • Change irc_host from localhost to something like or or whatever
  • If you change irc_ssl to True, change the irc_port accordingly.
  • Change irc_nick, irc_channels, irc_realname, maybe irc_command_prefix
  • Change icecast2_hostname to your hostname, i.e,
  • Change the passwords under icecast2_
  • Change the liquidsoap_description to whatever

Lastly, edit ircradio/, and comment out all of liquidsoap_check_symlink(), and just make it pass

Alternatively, you can run the generate command that follows, and then run find / -type f -name lastfm.liq, and then as root put in a symlink so it will be able to find that file.  But you'll need a thick jail to be able to do this. And you'll need to repeat the three magic virtualenv commands again.

When you are done, this will generate various initial configs (which we'll have to further edit):

python3.8 generate

The generate function writes icecast/liquidsoap/nginx configuration files into data/.

Update configs

First, while still in the radio user's shell:

which liquidsoap

Then, exit out of radio and back to root.  We'll need root shell for this section and the next.  And if needed:

cd /home/radio/ircradio

Where is liquidsoap?  We got that above.  That needs to be the path at the top of the data/soap.liq file.  Paste it.

vim data/soap.liq

And while in there, comment out the row starting with full.  In the final line, change full to radio.  This change will remove the crossfade function unfortunately.  Maybe 1.4.4 changed that function. 

TODO: figure out crossfading, cuz I want it

Then liquidsoap also needs an rc file, rather than a system.d file.

vim /usr/local/etc/rc.d/liquidsoap

# PROVIDE: liquidsoap
# KEYWORD: shutdown

# Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf to enable `liquidsoap`.
# To specify a non-default script file, set liquidsoap_script
# in /etc/rc.conf:

. /etc/rc.subr


#update as necessary, the command path
command_args="--daemon 1>/dev/null"
#command_args="--daemon --quiet"

# read configuration and set defaults
load_rc_config "$name"
: ${liquidsoap_enable="NO"}
: ${liquidsoap_script="/home/radio/ircradio/data/soap.liq"}
: ${liquidsoap_flags="${liquidsoap_script}"}
: ${liquidsoap_user:=radio}
: ${liquidsoap_group:=radio}


run_rc_command "$1"

And it needs to be made executable.

pushd /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
chmod +x liquidsoap

Also, liquidsoap will want to create a pid near the build dir, and the user needs permissions... (adjust as necessary).

mkdir -p /usr/home/radio/.opam/4.12.0/lib/liquidsoap/var/run/liquidsoap
pushd /usr/home/radio/.opam/4.12.0/lib/liquidsoap/var/run
chown radio:radio liquidsoap/
vim data/radio_nginx.conf

For data/radio_nginx.conf, there needs to be the following at the very top:

events {}

And underneath that, the whole server block needs to be wrapped in an html {} block.

And change the listen port to whatever you'll forward to from caddy, like 8040, though 80 should be fine too.


Get into data/icecast.xml.

vim data/icecast.xml

First, might as well adjust the location to a fun name and admin to any old email address.

I adjusted <burst-on-connect> to 1 and <hostname> to radio.example.come (the actual address).

The bottom of the file needs to have the user info in the security section, right under changeowner subsection:


Change the paths to these, since the provided ones are for Linux.


When starting the service, there will be an annoying "error" if we don't have this file *rolls eyes*...

touch /etc/mime.types

One more thing for this.  For icecast to work, it needs to be able to do what you tell it, like logging...

pushd /var/log
mkdir /var/log/icecast
chown -R icecast:icecast /var/log/icecast
chmod -R 760 /var/log/icecast

Final Tidying Up

Still as root...

cp /home/radio/ircradio/data/icecast.xml /usr/local/etc/
cp /home/radio/ircradio/data/radio_nginx.conf /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf

And we can enable the services..

sysrc liquidsoap_enable="YES"
sysrc nginx_enable="YES"
sysrc icecast_enable="YES"

And start them (and ultimately this will hopefully illuminate if any errors were made above).

service icecast start
service liquidsoap start
service nginx start

Set Up Host & Caddyfile (and cname record)

Hopefully the host doesn't need anything, actually.

Before getting to caddy, hop into your domain registrar and add a cname for the hostname desired, in this case radio.  It may take a little while for the new record to propogate.

Then hop into the Caddyfile and add a section for radio.domain.tld, and reverse proxy to the jail and the listen port from the top ofnginx.conf.

And then we are ready to finish up.

Start It!

From the jail console, start a new tmux session.


Change user and get to the repo directory.

su radio
cd ircradio/

Run the three magical virtualenv steps.

Run the thing:

python3.8 webdev

Then hop onto IRC and download a few songs!  Then either the music will start playing, or you can restart liquidsoap with root.


There are html files for the webpage inside ircradio/templates.  Perhaps you'd like to adjust the files to customize it a bit and maybe indicate that you stole this setup from from someone else and it's really their hard work that made it possible.
